Sunday, December 12, 2010

Change of Attitude

The scenery isn't the only thing that has changed in the last couple of months. Home ownership, and the increased responsibility, time demands, and cost that go along with it, has predictably taken it's toll on my attitude.

  • I no longer get on the computer every night. A few days each week it doesn't even get powered on to check email. I'm finding it impossible to keep up with the latest nudist news and legal battles. Many of my RSS feeds have been slowly getting dumped off my reading list.
  • After being away from Mazo Beach all year by choice, I've lost a strong desire to return. We'll probably make a trip or two next summer, but not the number of trips we've done in the past. We also skipped the fall road cleanup and Halloween party due to some of the people involved.
  • After taking a step back and reevaluating things, an anonymous ranter was right. (I forget who it was ranting about this.) The small talk that social nudists do gets a little annoying after a while. This is one of the reasons I'm not looking forward to our next trip to the beach -- it's several repetitions of this: What are your names? I'm bad at remembering names... [They proceed to forget mine and remember hers.] Where are you from? How long of a drive is that? [Insert their long answer here, whether or not we ask.] What do you do job-wise? [Glaze over my impressive career and education, focus on her more standard career.] How often do you come here? [Insert more of their answers.] How did you two get to be nudists? Are you married? How did you two meet? [Proceed to some long stories end to end while we stay mostly quiet.] You should visit [their favorite place on the opposite side of the state.] See you next time! [Chances are never.]
  • I really hesitated to renew my TNS membership. I'd like to continue working with NAC and that requires a TNS membership. I haven't read the latest 1.5 issues of N. TNS members have been giving me hell all year. If only I could be a member of NAC/NEF and not TNS for a while.
  • I haven't participated in any of the NAC action alerts in the last 6 months. Although, I'd like to send a late letter to California.
  • Remember the library book? Since then, I've done about 90% of the work to oppose their rejection of the Nude Beaches book. That last 10% requires detailed direction from NAC, which I've requested several times prior to moving. It's been so long that the opposition may no longer have value. Is it time to give up on it?
  • Lack of time and motivation prevents me from implementing my "rapid response" idea that was presented at the Eastern Naturist Gathering in 2008. The idea was to cache short, well written, user generated responses to common misconceptions. That way, it's quick and easy for anyone to post a very good response to news reporters.
  • Lack of time and motivation prevents me from implementing my "land share" idea, which allows the sharing of private land for a variety of purposes. This is much broader than just allowing naturists to share land. (The closest thing I've found is sharing land only for gardens. There are lots of other reasons that could apply, so why limit to only one thing?) If someone else wants to make either of these ideas happen, let me know.
  • The WWNCW is basically dead. I'm considering letting the site expire, or at least switching to some other domain name to try another idea.
  • I've lacked a desire to create new friendships at social events. Despite that, I have very much enjoyed the current friendships and have an interest in re-sparking some older ones.
  • It'll take more to get us to a venue. Why spend money at a resort or campground when we have a hot tub (which will be set up eventually), a private backyard (which isn't completely private yet), and 10 acres of private hiking (where trails are still in progress), and a big house to enjoy. I'd be happy to spend the money here and work on those things.
  • It'll take more to get us to the public beach. We can tan in our backyard, and skinny dip in our hot tub or stream.
  • It'll take more for us to brave public lands, especially after we put Vernon County on edge by freehiking. With a good career and a squeaky clean criminal record, I'd prefer not to chance it. (But those trails are way better than mine!) If I announce a freehike here, I'd probably have an officer waiting for me at the destination. There's nothing illegal about it, especially with the methods we use, but I simply want to avoid the trouble for now.
  • It'll take more for us to travel. Driving several states away just to get naked, like we've done the last two years, may not happen in 2011. We can drive 2 hours to get naked at the beach or VVRC, or better yet, stay naked at home.
  • It should be obvious that my blog post frequency went way down in the last year. I still have a queue of posts to write, but just haven't had the time and haven't had the desire. I'm working on that right now.

I've watched as bloggers come and go. One of my favorite examples is "The Nude Life". It was a very active blog in the 2007/2008 timeframe. It had a lot of good content written by a well-networked couple in Texas. A good part of it was about their travels and parties. They took pride in bragging about the things they could do nude. Towards the end, they even operated a small forum on the site. It was on my list of favorite blogs. (See the archives here.)

Then, in July of 2008, they moved from Texas to Cyprus Cove Nudist Resort full-time as their retirement plan. They did three more posts about the experience, then dropped out of cyberspace at the end of September. Presumably, they had limited internet access and a lack of desire to maintain an online presence. I do not want to follow in their footsteps!

My move has had a similar feeling to it. Living in an urban house, or an apartment, forces naturists to seek out more public ways to participate. They are the beach-dwellers, the resort regulars, the public lands freehikers, the naked protesters, and the people pushing for society to be more tolerant of their chosen lifestyle. Living in a place that is clothing-optional inside and out, either full-time at a resort or in a reasonable sized private lot, seems to allow naturists to simply sit back, relax, and do nothing. This is what we all seek, and I believe it is self-destructive for naturism.

The goal for me is to not allow myself to go idle on the issues facing naturism. I need to keep up with the times, keep promoting naturism, keep helping naturist organizations, keep travelling, and keep blogging. It's a tough goal to work towards! If I get too far out-of-line, please give me a kick in the right direction. Thanks!


Unknown said...

It's always interesting to read and be able to relate to or identify with the experiences of others, it's encouraging for me!

I hope you'll keep with your work!

I've written in abundance of my
personal naturist life in several songs.

The lyrics are substantive and the
music is easy to listen and dance to.

I think other naturist's will like it!

My plans going forward are to release the
1st CD (Nature Zones) in early Spring, the
2nd CD (Naked Places) in mid Summer and the
Documentary (Heartbeats of Naturist's) in late Autumn.

On May 2nd I'm planning to celebrate my 50th Birthday
with a Discovery Channel TLC Fabulous Cakes Episode.
The Cake would proudly adorn the Logos of the Naturist
Organizations and Publications who will have reviewed
and published an article on my work. I hope to do this
with the guidance and in the good graces of the
international naturist community!


Ton Dou
702 715 2378

Genuine naturist's are brave and brilliant and
regardless of their ancestry or national origin
I feel as if they're all my spiritual cousins.

We're age old and there are more of us than
anyone will ever know! I hope to contribute an
art form we can openly and publicly share.

I endeavor to be a notable musical voice that
exemplifies what genuine naturist's are and feel
and serves as a common denominator for us all.


Ton Dou
Music Au Naturel

I'm Anthony Lynn Douglas p/k/a Ton Dou
Ton Dou is Tony & Doug abbreviated.

I write all my songs then try really "hard" to
sing them :), I hope you hear one you like!

I've been a naturist all my life and have written
(2) naturist lifestyle albums, (10) songs each
to date titled, "Nature Zones" & "Naked Places"

I haven't kept a personal record of experiences,
observations, feelings and attitudes but reading
my Lyrics would be a lot like reading my Diary!

The naturist lifestyle is sacred and cherished
by myself and countless others worldwide!
Nature Zones may help to further validate it!
Naked Places may help to further celebrate it!

I was born May 2nd 1961 in Dayton Ohio,
had a career in Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering,
raised a family then launched TONDOU LLC.
TONDOU LLC is a multi-media arts & entertainment company.

Spring Break 2011
Music Au Naturel

Nudist Song Artist Ton Dou is set to release his
Naturist Lifestyle album over Spring Break 2011

As a Thank you to fans he's handing out autographed
copies of his (Nature Zones) CD Press Kits

His dedication to the Naturist Lifestyle inspired this album!
He combines multi genre musical influences with lyrics
critics are calling brave, unique and long overdue!

“It's about time”
“more ... more”

Spring Break 2011
Official CD Release
Dates, Times & Locations to be announced!

Ton Dou
to perform at

Sunsport Gardens Family Naturist Resort
Feb 17 thru 23 2011

Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park
Aug 3 thru 7 2011

Sequoians Resort

Desert Sun Resort

Lake Como Resort

Gulf Coast Resort

Show me Acres Resort

Squaw Mountain Ranch

Avalon Resort

The Naturist living Show

The InterChange

Rick said...

I know you've been busy with work and buying a house. Just those two things can take up so much of your time. I know that since I started working again, I've been struggling to keep up with just about everything.

Good luck to you. Enjoy what you have. I look forward to your posts, however infrequent they might be As Teddy Roosevelt said, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

Full Time Nudists said...

I am the blogger of "The Nude Life" blog fame, and appreciate your comments about my posts from before and just after our move to the Cove. The reason I stopped blogging were two-fold: (1) a respect for the privacy of our friends and neighbors here at the Cove. They certainly don't expect or want the details of their daily life made the subject of blog posts, and I respect that. (2) The fact that living nude full-time is a very unremarkable thing, with nothing much to write about so long as you don't aim to titillate. Everyday life here is very quiet, uneventful and 'normal,' but for the fact that we, our friends and neighbors and thousands of visitors to the Cove are nude. Finding things to write about when living a normal life, nude or otherwise, is just not that easy, and so I decided to discontinue the blog. Anyone wishing to get in contact may do so at

Anonymous said...

Being a landowner changes some perspectives, huh? You've got more to do and more to risk; leaving home for a skinny-dip is a lot of a bother, and yeah, the converstion can be superficial at nudist venues. Living at one would be different with your neighbors becoming part of 'real life'.

It's hard to get too enthused about something that is no longer a big part of your life, I know. I stopped writing for a while for a variety of reasons then began again, mainly because I love to write! Now it's only occasionally when something trips my triggers.

Good luck in your new lifestyle, life has a habit of re-directing us at times. That's cool.

You need not write off the beach alltogether; plan it sometime as a weekend getaway. Stay in a motel nearby or camp; go to town for dinner; don't feel the need to associate more than you wish; just relax and enjoy a beautiful place in the sun!

Hey FTN! Good to hear from you! We guessed that you'd be so settled into life there that you'd have better things to occupy your time than posting. What you say about daily life there sounds so true; it would be much like anyone trying to make their everydays interesting to others. That's the stuff for Twitter or Facebook, and THAT's boring as hell!

Anthony, drop a note on All Nudist when you are ready for release. We'll post a link for folks to find it!

Delfin Amante said...

Time passes, life changes and we move on. That's just the way it is. So much so that I didn't see your post until it was a few weeks old. And now, a further week later, I just read it.

I'm in a new relationship and am happy just spending time with my partner. We're happy being nude at home, and even though we aren't nude outside, the beach and resorts don't have the same draw as they used to. For one thing, she's disabled, so the trek to Black's Beach would have to be a solo trek for me, and at this point I'd rather spend that time with her. For another, it's pretty cold here. I might make it in Summer if she's otherwise occupied and I have a day to myself.

Your blog was an invaluable resource when I first started to pursue social nudism, so however infrequent it may be, do keep it active.

Hank said...

Academic, hey from Kenosha. Your site made it to a nudist site in Sweden--
Don't toss in the towel, so to speak.

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